
API methods for lookup operations on Access Level Groups

GET api/v1/AccessLevelGroups

Returns a list of AccessLevelGroupViewModels that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/AccessLevelGroups?ACSystemId={ACSystemId}

Returns a list of AccessLevelGroupViewModels for a given ACSystem that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/AccessLevelGroups?OccupancyId={OccupancyId}

Returns a list of AccessLevelGroupViewModels for a given Occupancy that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/AccessLevelGroups?AccessLevelGroupId={AccessLevelGroupId}

Returns a single AccessLevelGroupViewModel that the API token has rights to view based on a parameterized PK.

POST api/AccessLevelGroupV1?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for lookup operations on Access Level Groups

GET api/v2/AccessLevelGroups

Returns a list of AccessLevelGroupViewModels that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v2/AccessLevelGroups?ACSystemId={ACSystemId}

Returns a list of AccessLevelGroupViewModels for a given ACSystem that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v2/AccessLevelGroups?OccupancyId={OccupancyId}

Returns a list of AccessLevelGroupViewModels for a given Occupancy that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v2/AccessLevelGroups?AccessLevelGroupId={AccessLevelGroupId}

Returns a single AccessLevelGroupViewModel that the API token has rights to view based on a parameterized PK.

POST api/AccessLevelGroupV2?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for lookup operations on Access Levels

GET api/v1/AccessLevels?IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}

Returns a list of AccessLevelViewModels that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/AccessLevels?ACSystemId={ACSystemId}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}

Returns a list of AccessLevelViewModels for a given ACSystem that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/AccessLevels?CompanyId={CompanyId}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}

Returns a list of AccessLevelViewModels for a given Company that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/AccessLevels?AccessLevelId={AccessLevelId}

Returns a single AccessLevelViewModel that the API token has rights to view based on a parameterized PK.

POST api/AccessLevelV1?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for lookup operations on Access Levels

GET api/v2/AccessLevels?IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}&AccessLevelType={AccessLevelType}

Returns a list of AccessLevelViewModels that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v2/AccessLevels?ACSystemId={ACSystemId}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}&AccessLevelType={AccessLevelType}

Returns a list of AccessLevelViewModels for a given ACSystem that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v2/AccessLevels?CompanyId={CompanyId}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}&AccessLevelType={AccessLevelType}

Returns a list of AccessLevelViewModels for a given Company that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v2/AccessLevels?AccessLevelId={AccessLevelId}

Returns a single AccessLevelViewModel that the API token has rights to view based on a parameterized PK.

GET api/v2/AccessLevels/Types

Returns a list of defined Access Level Types

POST api/AccessLevelV2?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for lookup operations on Access Control Systems.

GET api/v1/ACSystems

Returns a list of SystemViewModels that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/ACSystems?ACSystemId={ACSystemId}

Returns a single SystemViewModels that the API token has rights to view based on a parameterized PK.

GET api/v1/ACSystems/{id}/UDFs

Gets a list of User defined View Models in a system

POST api/ACSystemV1?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for lookup operations on Access Control Systems.

GET api/v2/ACSystems

Returns a list of SystemViewModels that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v2/ACSystems?ACSystemId={ACSystemId}

Returns a single SystemViewModels that the API token has rights to view based on a parameterized PK.

GET api/v2/ACSystems/{id}/UDFs

Gets a list of User defined View Models in a system

POST api/ACSystemV2?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for lookup operations on Badge Templates.

GET api/v1/Badges

Returns a list of Badge Templates that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/Badges?OccupancyId={OccupancyId}

Returns a list of Badge Templates used by a given Occupancy that the API token has rights to view

POST api/BadgeV1?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for lookup operations on Cards.

GET api/v1/CardTypes

Returns a static list of Card Types in BluSKY

POST api/CardV1?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for lookup operations on Contact Items.

GET api/v1/ContactItems

Returns a list of ContactItemTypeViewModels that the API token has rights to view

POST api/ContactItemV1?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for email address templates.

GET api/v1/EmailAddressTemplates

No documentation available.

POST api/EmailAddressTemplatesV1?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for lookup operations on Facilities.

GET api/v1/Facilities

Returns a list of FacilityViewModels that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/Facilities?FacilityId={FacilityId}

Returns a single FacilityViewModel that the API token has rights to view based on a parameterized PK.

POST api/FacilityV1?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for lookup operations on Floor Stops.

GET api/v1/FloorStops?FacilityId={FacilityId}

Returns a list of floor stops for a given Facility that the API token has rights to view.

GET api/v1/FloorStops?ElevatorBankId={ElevatorBankId}

Returns a list of floor stops for a given Elevator Bank that the API token has rights to view.

GET api/v1/FloorStops?FloorId={FloorId}

Returns a list of floor stops for a given Floor that the API token has rights to view.

POST api/FloorStopV1?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for lookup operations on Floors.

GET api/v1/Floors?FacilityId={FacilityId}

Returns a list of floors (FloorsViewModel) for a given Facility that the API token has rights to view.

POST api/FloorV1?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for operations on Mobile Devices

POST api/MobileDevices?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for lookup operations on Occupancies.

GET api/v1/Occupancies?IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}

Returns a list of Occupancies that the API token has rights to view.

GET api/v1/Occupancies?FacilityId={FacilityId}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}

Returns a list of Occupancies for a given Facility that the API token has rights to view.

GET api/v1/Occupancies?OccupancyId={OccupancyId}

Returns a single OccupancyViewModel if the API token has rights to view it

POST api/v1/Occupancies

Adds a single Occupancy to the system. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of Occupancy added.

PUT api/v1/Occupancies/{id}

Updates a single Occupancy that is already in the system. Returns Success/Error code.

DELETE api/v1/Occupancies/{id}

Deletes a single Occupancy that is already in the system. Returns Success/Error code

GET api/v1/Occupancies/{id}/Floors

Gets a list of all Floors occupied by an Occupancy

POST api/v1/Occupancies/{id}/Floors

Adds a single Floor to the Occupancy. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of Occupancy Floor added.

PUT api/v1/Occupancies/{id}/Floors/{floorId}

Updates a single Floor occupancy to the system. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of Occupancy Floor added.

DELETE api/v1/Occupancies/{id}/Floors/{floorId}

Removes a single Floor occupancy from the system. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/OccupancyV1?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for CRUD operations for Person Reader.

POST api/PersonReaderV1?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for lookup operations on Pronouns.

GET api/v1/Pronouns

Returns a list of Pronoun that the API token has rights to view.

POST api/PronounsV1?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for lookup operations on Readers

GET api/v1/Readers

Returns a list of ReaderViewModels that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/Readers?FacilityId={FacilityId}

Returns a list of ReaderViewModels for a given Facility that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/Readers?ReaderId={ReaderId}

Returns a single ReaderViewModel that the API token has rights to view based on a parameterized PK.

GET api/v1/Readers/BluPOINTReaders

Returns a list of BluPOINTReaderViewModel that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/Readers/BluPOINTReaders?FacilityId={FacilityId}

Returns a list of BluPOINTReaderViewModel for a given Facility that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/Readers/BluPOINTReaders?bluetoothMACAddress={bluetoothMACAddress}

Returns a list of BluPOINTReaderViewModel by Bluetooth MAC Address

GET api/v1/Readers/BluPOINTReaders?ReaderId={ReaderId}

Returns a BluPOINT Reader by Reader Id

GET api/v1/Readers/ElevatorReaders

Returns a list of ElevatorReaderViewModels that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/Readers/ElevatorReaders?FacilityId={FacilityId}

Returns a list of ElevatorReaderViewModels for a given Facility that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/Readers/ElevatorReaders?ElevatorReaderId={ElevatorReaderId}

Returns a single ElevatorReaderViewModel that the API token has rights to view based on a parameterized PK.

POST api/ReaderV1?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for lookup operations on Roles

GET api/v1/Roles

Returns a list of RoleViewModels that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/Roles?RoleId={RoleId}

Returns a single RoleViewModel that the API token has rights to view based on a parameterized PK.

GET api/v1/Roles/RoleScopeTypes

Returns a list of RoleScopeTypeViewModels that the API token has rights to view

POST api/RoleV1?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for operations on sBluPointFirmwareVersions

POST api/sBluPointFirmwareVersions?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for lookup operations on Access Level Groups

GET api/v1/Schedules

Returns a list of ScheduleViewModels that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/Schedules?ACSystemId={ACSystemId}

Returns a list of ScheduleViewModels for a given ACSystem that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/Schedules?ScheduleId={ScheduleId}

Returns a single ScheduleViewModel that the API token has rights to view based on a parameterized PK.

POST api/ScheduleV1?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API method for device authorization

POST api/sMobileKeySet?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for lookup operations on SystemOwners.

GET api/v1/SystemOwners?SystemOwnerId={SystemOwnerId}

Returns a single SystemOwnerViewModel if the API token has rights to view it

POST api/SystemOwnerV1?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for CRUD operations for People/Users. Includes basic Access Rights assignments, Roles (permissions) assignments, and Card assignments.

POST api/v1/Users/SP1CheckIn

Looks up a person by a criterion specified and assigns a card to her/him. If a card not exists a new one is created

DELETE api/v1/Users/SP1CheckOut

Checks out a user by un-assigning all cards and/or deleting a user record

GET api/v1/Users?UserDataRetrievalOptions={UserDataRetrievalOptions}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}&PageNumber={PageNumber}&PageSize={PageSize}

Returns a list of UserViewModels that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/Users?FacilityId={FacilityId}&UserDataRetrievalOptions={UserDataRetrievalOptions}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}&DateTimeCardAllocatedStart={DateTimeCardAllocatedStart}&DateTimeCardAllocatedEnd={DateTimeCardAllocatedEnd}&ChangedDatetime={ChangedDatetime}&PageNumber={PageNumber}&PageSize={PageSize}

Returns a list of UserViewModels from a given Facility that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/Users?OccupancyId={OccupancyId}&UserDataRetrievalOptions={UserDataRetrievalOptions}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}&ChangedDatetime={ChangedDatetime}&PageNumber={PageNumber}&PageSize={PageSize}

Returns a list of UserViewModels from a given Occupancy that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/Users?VendorId={VendorId}&UserDataRetrievalOptions={UserDataRetrievalOptions}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}&PageNumber={PageNumber}&PageSize={PageSize}

Returns a list of UserViewModels from a given Vendor that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/Users?RoleId={RoleId}&UserDataRetrievalOptions={UserDataRetrievalOptions}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}&PageNumber={PageNumber}&PageSize={PageSize}

Returns a list of UserViewModels for users having a given role assigned that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/Users?UserId={UserId}&UserDataRetrievalOptions={UserDataRetrievalOptions}

Returns a single UserViewModel if the API token has rights to view it

GET api/v1/Users?EmployeeNumber={EmployeeNumber}&UserDataRetrievalOptions={UserDataRetrievalOptions}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}

Returns a single UserViewModel matching specified EmployeeNumber if the API token has rights to view it

GET api/v1/Users?EmailAddress={EmailAddress}&UserDataRetrievalOptions={UserDataRetrievalOptions}

Returns a single UserViewModel matching specified email address (used as a BluB0X login name) if the API token has rights to view it

GET api/v1/Users/FindByCardNumber?InternalCardNumber={InternalCardNumber}&ExternalCardNumber={ExternalCardNumber}&RawBitStream={RawBitStream}&CardType={CardType}&FacilityCode={FacilityCode}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}&UserDataRetrievalOptions={UserDataRetrievalOptions}

Returns a list of UserViewModels for user having matching cards if the API token has rights to view it

POST api/v1/Users

Adds a single User to the system. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of user added.

PUT api/v1/Users/{id}

Updates a single User that is already in the system. Returns Success/Error code.

DELETE api/v1/Users/{id}

Deletes a single User that is already in the system. Returns Success/Error code

POST api/v1/Users/{id}/UserRoles

Adds an existing Role to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of UserRole entry made.

DELETE api/v1/Users/{id}/UserRoles/{roleId}

Removes an existing Role from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/v1/Users/{id}/UserCards

Adds a Card to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of UserCard entry made.

POST api/v1/Users/{id}/UserCards/ReplaceCardIfExists

Adds a Card to an existing User. If the card is assigned to another user un-assigns it first. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of UserCard entry made.

PUT api/v1/Users/{id}/UserCards

Updates details of a card's current assignment. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/v1/Users/UpdateLoggedInPersonsCardName

Update LoggedIn Person card name

DELETE api/v1/Users/{id}/UserCards/{cardId}

Removes a Card from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

DELETE api/v1/Users/{id}/UserCards/RemoveAllCards

Removes all Cards from an existing User. Returns a list of cards removed

POST api/v1/Users/{id}/UserContactItems

Adds a Contact Information to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of ContactInfo entry made.

DELETE api/v1/Users/{id}/UserContactItems/{contactInfoId}

Removes Contact Information from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/v1/Users/{id}/ReaderAccesses

Adds Reader Access to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of UserReader entry made.

DELETE api/v1/Users/{id}/ReaderAccesses/{readerId}

Removes Reader Access from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/v1/Users/{id}/FloorStopAccesses

Adds Floor Stop Access to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of UserFloorStop entry made.

DELETE api/v1/Users/{id}/FloorStopAccesses/{floorStopId}

Removes Floor Stop Access from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/v1/Users/{id}/FloorAccesses

Adds all Floor Stops pertaining to a given floor to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

DELETE api/v1/Users/{id}/FloorAccesses/{floorId}

Removes all Floor Stops pertaining to a given floor from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/v1/Users/{id}/AccessLevels?updateAzureSearch={updateAzureSearch}

Adds an existing Access Level to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of UserAccessLevel entry made.

DELETE api/v1/Users/{id}/AccessLevels/{accessLevelId}

Removes an existing Access Level from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/v1/Users/{id}/AccessLevelGroups

Adds an existing Access Level Group to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of UserAccessLevelGroup entry made.

DELETE api/v1/Users/{id}/AccessLevelGroups/{accessLevelGroupId}

Removes an existing Access Level Group from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

PUT api/v1/Users/CheckIn/{id}

Checks in a User

PUT api/v1/Users/CheckOut/{id}

Checks out a User

GET api/v1/Users/Badge/{id}

Returns the Badge SVG as a string

POST api/v1/Users/SendEmployeeOneDayPass

Creates a temporary credentials for an employee and sends out email containing QR code with encoded credentials

PUT api/v1/Users/CheckinGetBadge/{id}

Checks in and returns the badge SVG as a string

POST api/v1/Users/Photo

Uploads a photo file to the instance that will be used to print the badge later.

POST api/v1/Users/AddHIDCredential

Creates a HID Mobile credential for a given User

DELETE api/v1/Users/RevokeHIDCredential?PersonCardId={PersonCardId}

Revokes a HID Mobile credential for a given User

GET api/v1/Users/AvailableHIDCredentials?HIDMobileCredentialPartNumberId={HIDMobileCredentialPartNumberId}

Returns the number of available HID Mobile Credentials

GET api/v1/Users/UserCards?UserId={UserId}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}&FacilityCode={FacilityCode}

Returns list of cards for a given user by the UserId

GET api/v1/Users/UserCards?EmailAddress={EmailAddress}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}&FacilityCode={FacilityCode}

Returns list of cards for a given user by the User Email Address

GET api/v1/Users/GetLoggedInUsersCards?IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}&FacilityCode={FacilityCode}

Returns list of cards for the user who is logged In

POST api/v1/Users/AssignBluIDMobileCredential

API to add BluID Mobile Credential

POST api/v1/Users/RevokeBluIDMobileCredential

API to revoke BluID Mobile Credential

POST api/UserV1?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for CRUD operations for People/Users. Includes basic Access Rights assignments, Roles (permissions) assignments, and Card assignments.

DELETE api/v2/Users/{id}/UDF/{UdfId}

Delete Single Person UDF Value

DELETE api/v2/Users/{id}/UDF

Delete Single Person UDF Value

POST api/v2/Users/{id}/Vehicles

Add single Vehicle value to Person

PUT api/v2/Users/{id}/Vehicles

Updates details of a Person Vehicle. Returns Success/Error code.

DELETE api/v2/Users/{id}/Vehicles/{PersonVehicleId}

Delete Person Vehicle Value

GET api/v2/Users/{id}/Vehicles

Gets the Person Vehicles

GET api/v2/Users?UserDataRetrievalOptions={UserDataRetrievalOptions}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}&PageNumber={PageNumber}&PageSize={PageSize}

Returns a list of UserViewModels that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v2/Users?FacilityId={FacilityId}&UserDataRetrievalOptions={UserDataRetrievalOptions}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}&DateTimeCardAllocatedStart={DateTimeCardAllocatedStart}&DateTimeCardAllocatedEnd={DateTimeCardAllocatedEnd}&ChangedDatetime={ChangedDatetime}&PageNumber={PageNumber}&PageSize={PageSize}

Returns a list of UserViewModels from a given Facility that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v2/Users?OccupancyId={OccupancyId}&UserDataRetrievalOptions={UserDataRetrievalOptions}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}&ChangedDatetime={ChangedDatetime}&PageNumber={PageNumber}&PageSize={PageSize}

Returns a list of UserViewModels from a given Occupancy that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v2/Users?VendorId={VendorId}&UserDataRetrievalOptions={UserDataRetrievalOptions}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}&PageNumber={PageNumber}&PageSize={PageSize}

Returns a list of UserViewModels from a given Vendor that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v2/Users?RoleId={RoleId}&UserDataRetrievalOptions={UserDataRetrievalOptions}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}&PageNumber={PageNumber}&PageSize={PageSize}

Returns a list of UserViewModels for users having a given role assigned that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v2/Users?UserId={UserId}&UserDataRetrievalOptions={UserDataRetrievalOptions}

Returns a single UserViewModel if the API token has rights to view it

GET api/v2/Users?EmployeeNumber={EmployeeNumber}&UserDataRetrievalOptions={UserDataRetrievalOptions}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}

Returns a single UserViewModel matching specified EmployeeNumber if the API token has rights to view it

GET api/v2/Users?EmailAddress={EmailAddress}&UserDataRetrievalOptions={UserDataRetrievalOptions}

Returns a single UserViewModel matching specified email address (used as a BluB0X login name) if the API token has rights to view it

GET api/v2/Users/FindByCardNumber?InternalCardNumber={InternalCardNumber}&ExternalCardNumber={ExternalCardNumber}&RawBitStream={RawBitStream}&CardType={CardType}&FacilityCode={FacilityCode}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}&UserDataRetrievalOptions={UserDataRetrievalOptions}

Returns a list of UserViewModels for user having matching cards if the API token has rights to view it

GET api/v2/Users/FilterUsers?EmploymentTerm={EmploymentTerm}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}&UserDataRetrievalOptions={UserDataRetrievalOptions}&PageNumber={PageNumber}&PageSize={PageSize}

Returns a list of users matching the supplied search criteria

GET api/v2/Users/EmploymentTerms

Returns a list of all Employment Terms used in BluSKY

GET api/v2/Users/WorkerTypes

Returns a list of all Worker Types used in BluSKY

POST api/v2/Users

Adds a single User to the system. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of user added.

PUT api/v2/Users/{id}

Updates a single User that is already in the system. Returns Success/Error code.

DELETE api/v2/Users/{id}

Deletes a single User that is already in the system. Returns Success/Error code

POST api/v2/Users/{id}/UserRoles

Adds an existing Role to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of UserRole entry made.

DELETE api/v2/Users/{id}/UserRoles/{roleId}

Removes an existing Role from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/v2/Users/{id}/UserCards

Adds a Card to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of UserCard entry made.

POST api/v2/Users/{id}/UserCards/ReplaceCardIfExists

Adds a Card to an existing User. If the card is assigned to another user un-assigns it first. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of UserCard entry made.

PUT api/v2/Users/{id}/UserCards

Updates details of a card's current assignment. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/v2/Users/UpdateLoggedInPersonsCardName

Update LoggedIn Person card name

DELETE api/v2/Users/{id}/UserCards/{cardId}

Removes a Card from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

DELETE api/v2/Users/{id}/UserCards/RemoveAllCards

Removes all Cards from an existing User. Returns a list of cards removed

GET api/v2/Users/UserCards?UserId={UserId}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}&FacilityCode={FacilityCode}

Returns list of cards for a given user by the UserId

GET api/v2/Users/UserCards?EmailAddress={EmailAddress}&IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}&FacilityCode={FacilityCode}

Returns list of cards for a given user by the User Email Address

GET api/v2/Users/GetLoggedInUsersCards?IncludeDeleted={IncludeDeleted}&FacilityCode={FacilityCode}

Returns list of cards for the user who is logged In

POST api/v2/Users/{id}/UserContactItems

Adds a Contact Information to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of ContactInfo entry made.

PUT api/v2/Users/{id}/UserContactItem

Upserts a Contact Information to an existing User. Returns Success/Error along with the PK of the Contact Info The PK of the existing User that you want to upsert the Contact Item fromRequired: The Contact Info Item you want to upsert

DELETE api/v2/Users/{id}/UserContactItems/{contactInfoId}

Removes Contact Information from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/v2/Users/{id}/ReaderAccesses

Adds Reader Access to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of UserReader entry made.

DELETE api/v2/Users/{id}/ReaderAccesses/{readerId}

Removes Reader Access from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/v2/Users/{id}/FloorStopAccesses

Adds Floor Stop Access to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of UserFloorStop entry made.

DELETE api/v2/Users/{id}/FloorStopAccesses/{floorStopId}

Removes Floor Stop Access from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/v2/Users/{id}/FloorAccesses

Adds all Floor Stops pertaining to a given floor to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

DELETE api/v2/Users/{id}/FloorAccesses/{floorId}

Removes all Floor Stops pertaining to a given floor from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/v2/Users/{id}/AccessLevels?updateAzureSearch={updateAzureSearch}

Adds an existing Access Level to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of UserAccessLevel entry made.

DELETE api/v2/Users/{id}/AccessLevels/{accessLevelId}

Removes an existing Access Level from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/v2/Users/{id}/AccessLevelGroups

Adds an existing Access Level Group to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of UserAccessLevelGroup entry made.

DELETE api/v2/Users/{id}/AccessLevelGroups/{accessLevelGroupId}

Removes an existing Access Level Group from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

PUT api/v2/Users/CheckIn/{id}

Checks in a User

PUT api/v2/Users/CheckOut/{id}

Checks out a User

GET api/v2/Users/Badge/{id}

Returns the Badge SVG as a string

POST api/v2/Users/SendEmployeeOneDayPass

Creates a temporary credentials for an employee and sends out email containing QR code with encoded credentials

PUT api/v2/Users/CheckinGetBadge/{id}

Checks in and returns the badge SVG as a string

POST api/v2/Users/Photo

Uploads a photo file to the instance that will be used to print the badge later.

POST api/v2/Users/AddHIDCredential

Creates a HID Mobile credential for a given User

DELETE api/v2/Users/RevokeHIDCredential?PersonCardId={PersonCardId}

Revokes a HID Mobile credential for a given User

GET api/v2/Users/AvailableHIDCredentials?HIDMobileCredentialPartNumberId={HIDMobileCredentialPartNumberId}

Returns the number of available HID Mobile Credentials

POST api/v2/Users/AssignBluIDMobileCredential

API to add BluID Mobile Credential

POST api/v2/Users/RevokeBluIDMobileCredential

API to revoke BluID Mobile Credential

GET api/v2/Users/{id}/UDF

Gets the persons User Defined Values

POST api/v2/Users/{id}/UDF

Adds a set of UDF's to a person, where each UDF is identified by UserUDFValueViewModel

PUT api/v2/Users/{id}/UDF

Updates a set of UDF's to a person, where each UDF is identified by UserUDFValueViewModel

POST api/UserV2?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for lookup operations on Vendors.

GET api/v1/Vendors

Returns a list of Vendors that the API token has rights to view.

GET api/v1/Vendors?ACSystemId={ACSystemId}

Returns a list of Vendors for a given Facility that the API token has rights to view.

GET api/v1/Vendors?VendorId={VendorId}

Returns a single VendorViewModel if the API token has rights to view it

POST api/v1/Vendors

Adds a single Vendor to the system. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of Vendor added.

PUT api/v1/Vendors/{id}

Updates a single Vendor that is already in the system. Returns Success/Error code.

DELETE api/v1/Vendors/{id}

Deletes a single Vendor that is already in the system. Returns Success/Error code

POST api/VendorV1?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


POST api/VideoAnalyticsV1?cameraId={cameraId}&buildingId={buildingId}&cameraSnapshotMetadataId={cameraSnapshotMetadataId}&apiKey={apiKey}

No documentation available.

POST api/VideoAnalyticsV1?storageConnectionString={storageConnectionString}&filePath={filePath}&isRetry={isRetry}

No documentation available.

POST api/VideoAnalyticsV1?blobName={blobName}&filePath={filePath}&cameraId={cameraId}&clipId={clipId}

No documentation available.

POST api/VideoAnalyticsV1

No documentation available.

GET api/VideoAnalyticsV1?sum={sum}

No documentation available.

POST api/VideoAnalyticsV1?blobName={blobName}&filePath={filePath}

No documentation available.

POST api/VideoAnalyticsV1?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for CRUD operations for Visitor Request Instances.

GET api/v1/VisitorRequestInstances?FacilityId={FacilityId}&Start={Start}&End={End}&IncludeCardInfo={IncludeCardInfo}

Returns all instances when passed a FacilityId.Start is treated as today at 00:00:01 when null, End is treated as 00:00:01 tomorrow when null

GET api/v1/VisitorRequestInstances?GuestPersonId={GuestPersonId}&Start={Start}&End={End}&IncludeCardInfo={IncludeCardInfo}

Returns all instances when passed a Guest's PersonId. Start is treated as today at 00:00:01 when null, End is treated as 00:00:01 tomorrow when null

GET api/v1/VisitorRequestInstances/NextInstance?GuestPersonId={GuestPersonId}&Start={Start}&End={End}&IncludeCardInfo={IncludeCardInfo}

Returns a single record of the next instance for a given PersonId for a Guest. "Next" is defined as any instance > 00:00:01 of current day when Start is null and less than End or if End is null, then 00:00:01 of start plus one day.

PUT api/v1/VisitorRequestInstances/{id}/Checkin

Checks in the visitor request instance

PUT api/v1/VisitorRequestInstances/{id}/Checkout

Checks out the visitor request instance

GET api/v1/VisitorRequestInstances/Badge?VisitorRequestInstanceId={VisitorRequestInstanceId}

Returns the Badge SVG as a string

PUT api/v1/VisitorRequestInstances/{id}/CheckinGetBadge

Checks in and returns the badge SVG as a string

POST api/v1/VisitorRequestInstances/Photo

Uploads a photo file to the instance that will be used to print the badge later.

PUT api/v1/VisitorRequestInstances/{VisitorRequestInstanceId}/Card

Updates the card data for the existing Visitor Request Instance

POST api/VisitorRequestInstanceV1?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for CRUD operations for Visitor Request Instances.

GET api/v2/VisitorRequestInstances?FacilityId={FacilityId}&Start={Start}&End={End}&IncludeCardInfo={IncludeCardInfo}

Returns all instances when passed a FacilityId.Start is treated as today at 00:00:01 when null, End is treated as 00:00:01 tomorrow when null

GET api/v2/VisitorRequestInstances?GuestPersonId={GuestPersonId}&Start={Start}&End={End}&IncludeCardInfo={IncludeCardInfo}

Returns all instances when passed a Guest's PersonId. Start is treated as today at 00:00:01 when null, End is treated as 00:00:01 tomorrow when null

GET api/v2/VisitorRequestInstances/NextInstance?GuestPersonId={GuestPersonId}&Start={Start}&End={End}&IncludeCardInfo={IncludeCardInfo}

Returns a single record of the next instance for a given PersonId for a Guest. "Next" is defined as any instance > 00:00:01 of current day when Start is null and less than End or if End is null, then 00:00:01 of start plus one day.

PUT api/v2/VisitorRequestInstances/{id}/Checkin

Checks in the visitor request instance

PUT api/v2/VisitorRequestInstances/{id}/Checkout

Checks out the visitor request instance

GET api/v2/VisitorRequestInstances/Badge?VisitorRequestInstanceId={VisitorRequestInstanceId}

Returns the Badge SVG as a string

PUT api/v2/VisitorRequestInstances/{id}/CheckinGetBadge

Checks in and returns the badge SVG as a string

POST api/v2/VisitorRequestInstances/Photo

Uploads a photo file to the instance that will be used to print the badge later.

POST api/v2/VisitorRequestInstances/{VisitorRequestInstanceId}/Card

Adds a card to the Visitor Request Instance

PUT api/v2/VisitorRequestInstances/{VisitorRequestInstanceId}/Card

Updates a card data for the Visitor Request Instance

DELETE api/v2/VisitorRequestInstances/{VisitorRequestInstanceId}/Card

Deletes a card from the Visitor Request Instance

POST api/VisitorRequestInstanceV2?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for CRUD operations for Visitor Requests.

GET api/v1/VisitorRequests

Returns a list of VisitorViewModels that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/VisitorRequests?FacilityId={FacilityId}

Returns a list of VisitorViewModels from a given Facility that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/VisitorRequests?OccupancyId={OccupancyId}

Returns a list of VisitorViewModels from a given Facility that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/VisitorRequests?HostId={HostId}

Returns a list of VisitorViewModels going to see a particular Host that the API token has rights to view

GET api/v1/VisitorRequests?VisitorRequestId={VisitorRequestId}

Returns a single VisitorRequestViewModel if the API token has rights to view it

GET api/v1/VisitorRequests/VisitorTypes

Returns a list of VisitorViewModels that the API token has rights to view

POST api/v1/VisitorRequests

Adds a single Visitor Request to the system. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of Visitor Request added.

PUT api/v1/VisitorRequests/{id}

Updates a single VisitorRequest that is already in the system. Returns Success/Error code.

DELETE api/v1/VisitorRequests/{id}

Deletes a single VisitorRequest that is already in the system. Returns Success/Error code

POST api/VisitorV1?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.


API methods for lookup operations on WorkEnvironmentTypes.

GET api/v1/WorkEnvironmentTypes

Returns a list of WorkEnvironmentType that the API token has rights to view.

POST api/WorkEnvironmentTypesV1?methodName={methodName}

No documentation available.