PUT api/v2/Users/{id}
Updates a single User that is already in the system. Returns Success/Error code.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
id |
User Id |
globally unique identifier |
Required |
Body Parameters
UpdateUserViewModelName | Description | Type | Additional information |
UserId |
Required: The PK of the existing User that you want to update. |
globally unique identifier |
None. |
UserUpdatingOptions |
Optional flags for the UpdateUser call |
UserUpdatingOptions |
None. |
FirstName |
Required: The User's first/given name. Max Length = 60 |
string |
Required Max length: 60 |
LastName |
Required: The User's last name / surname. Max Length = 60 |
string |
Required Max length: 60 |
MiddleInitial |
Optional: The User's middle initial. Max Length = 2 |
string |
Max length: 2 |
Nickname |
Represents the User's nickname |
string |
None. |
sGenderId |
Optional: 1=Female, 2=Male, 3=Unspecified |
integer |
None. |
DefaultFloorId |
Optional: Usually the Floor that the person's desk/primary workplace is on. |
globally unique identifier |
None. |
DefaultFloorStopId |
Optional: Default Floor Stop in elevator that the person will go to when using Destination elevator systems. |
integer |
None. |
FacilityId |
Required: PK of the facility that the User is located in. Retrieve possible values by calling /Facility/GetAllFacilities |
globally unique identifier |
Required |
CompanyInstanceType |
Required: The type of company instance that the User belongs to - 1 = Occupancy, 2 = Vendor, 3 = System Owner, 4 = Integrator |
integer |
Required |
CompanyInstanceId |
Required: The PK of the company instance the User will be assigned to. Retrieve this by calling /Occupancy/GetAllOccupancies, /Vendor/GetAllVendors, /SystemOwner/GetAllOwners, or Integrator/GetAllIntegrators based on the CompanyInstanceType. |
globally unique identifier |
Required |
ACSystemId |
Required: The PK of the Access Control System the User will be assigned to. Retrieve this by calling /ACSystem/GetAllSystems |
globally unique identifier |
Required |
StartDatetime |
Optional: The DateTime when the record will start to be valid. If null, the record will be active immediately. |
date |
None. |
EndDatetime |
Optional: The DateTime when the record will stop being valid. If null, the record will be active indefinitely. |
date |
None. |
AccessRightsSuspended |
Required: Whether or not the User's Access Rights are suspended |
boolean |
None. |
AccessRightsSuspendedStart |
Optional: The DateTime when the User's Access Rights will become suspended. If null and AccessRightsSuspended is true, all access will be suspended immediately. |
date |
None. |
AccessRightsSuspendedEnd |
Optional: The DateTime when the User's Access Rights will stop being suspended. If null and AccessRightsSuspended is true, access will be suspended indefinitely. |
date |
None. |
WebSiteRightsSuspended |
Required: Whether or not the User's BluSKY login is suspended |
boolean |
None. |
WebSiteRightsSuspendedStart |
Optional: The DateTime when the User's BluSKY login will become suspended. If null and WebSiteRightsSuspended is true, all BluSKY access will be suspended immediately. |
date |
None. |
WebSiteRightsSuspendedEnd |
Optional: The DateTime when the User's BluSKY login will become suspended. If null and WebSiteRightsSuspended is true, all BluSKY access will be suspended immediately. |
date |
None. |
BadgeTemplateId |
Optional: The PK of the Badge Template assinged to the User. Retrieve this by calling /Badges/GetAllBadges |
globally unique identifier |
None. |
EmployeeNumber |
Optional: The employee number assigned to the User (typically by their HR department) |
string |
None. |
HasLoginRights |
Required: Whether or not the User should have a login and password |
boolean |
None. |
Login |
Conditional: Required if HasLoginRights is true |
string |
None. |
Password |
Conditional: Required if HasLoginRights is true |
string |
None. |
GenerateWelcomeMessage |
Optional: True to send a welcome email message |
boolean |
None. |
Deleted |
Optional: True to create/update User as deleted |
boolean |
None. |
JobTitle |
Optional: Job Title |
string |
None. |
OccupancyName |
Represents an Occupancy a User belongs to. If specified, ACSystemId and FacilityId can be omited as well as a CompanyInstanceId when CompanyInstanceType = 1 |
string |
None. |
UserUDFValueViewModels |
Optional : User Defined Values while creating a new user in BluSky |
Collection of UserUDFValueViewModel |
None. |
DepartmentName |
Optional : The name of the department the person belgons to |
string |
None. |
DepartmentCode |
Optional : The Code of the department the person belgons to |
string |
None. |
PronounId |
Optional : The pronoun the person needs to be called as. Example : He/Him/His Or They/Them/Theirs She/Her/Hers Or They/Them/Theirs She/Her/Hers He/Him/His They/Them/Theirs To Fetch Pronouns : api/v1/Pronouns |
globally unique identifier |
None. |
WorkEnvironmentTypeId |
Optional : Determines the Employment Type of the person, Example : Full time Remote, Hybrid etc. To Fetch WorkEnvironmentType : api/v1/WorkEnvironmentTypes |
globally unique identifier |
None. |
EmploymentTermId |
Optional : Determines whether the employment is Permenent or temporary |
EmploymentTerm |
None. |
WorkerTypeId |
Optional : Determines the type of work the person is going to be doing, example : Consultant, Contractor etc.. |
WorkerType |
None. |
OfficeDeskLocation |
Determines the location of the office desk |
string |
None. |
EmergencyContactName |
Determines the Name of the Person, whose contact is given as Emergency Contact. |
string |
None. |
EmergencyContactRelationship |
Determines the Relationship of the Person with user, whose contact is given as Emergency Contact. |
string |
None. |
EmergencyContactHomePhone |
Determines the Emergency Contact(Home) for a given user |
string |
None. |
EmergencyContactWorkPhone |
Determines the Emergency Contact(Work) for a given user |
string |
None. |
EmergencyContactMobilePhone |
Determines the Emergency Contact(Mobile) for a given user |
string |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "UserId": "34fd35b7-b7d6-41bc-b7e5-0c9dfcec420e", "UserUpdatingOptions": 0, "FirstName": "sample string 2", "LastName": "sample string 3", "MiddleInitial": "sample string 4", "Nickname": "sample string 5", "sGenderId": 1, "DefaultFloorId": "2a824098-ec29-4331-ae6b-28d5a5ee73bc", "DefaultFloorStopId": 1, "FacilityId": "fee7a49c-3902-4bff-96c0-1ec37aaca679", "CompanyInstanceType": 6, "CompanyInstanceId": "59efb39f-47f3-48a8-bc3c-5d6c4bc20b00", "ACSystemId": "19a36ef3-53fc-438c-9c2d-fea685018046", "StartDatetime": "2025-03-14T00:36:49.7863143+00:00", "EndDatetime": "2025-03-14T00:36:49.7863143+00:00", "AccessRightsSuspended": true, "AccessRightsSuspendedStart": "2025-03-14T00:36:49.7863143+00:00", "AccessRightsSuspendedEnd": "2025-03-14T00:36:49.7863143+00:00", "WebSiteRightsSuspended": true, "WebSiteRightsSuspendedStart": "2025-03-14T00:36:49.7863143+00:00", "WebSiteRightsSuspendedEnd": "2025-03-14T00:36:49.7863143+00:00", "BadgeTemplateId": "304d7c76-8a9f-4098-8876-a1939c2014c9", "EmployeeNumber": "sample string 10", "HasLoginRights": true, "Login": "sample string 12", "Password": "sample string 13", "GenerateWelcomeMessage": true, "Deleted": true, "JobTitle": "sample string 16", "OccupancyName": "sample string 17", "UserUDFValueViewModels": [ { "UDFId": "7959ed6e-fe25-4c45-bf65-35187e50dad5", "UDFValue": "sample string 2" }, { "UDFId": "7959ed6e-fe25-4c45-bf65-35187e50dad5", "UDFValue": "sample string 2" } ], "DepartmentName": "sample string 18", "DepartmentCode": "sample string 19", "PronounId": "8f4a4962-e951-4ef7-bb88-d2d684626559", "WorkEnvironmentTypeId": "a1b7af21-dc07-4a67-b7a0-2abe43cfc596", "EmploymentTermId": 0, "WorkerTypeId": 0, "OfficeDeskLocation": "sample string 20", "EmergencyContactName": "sample string 21", "EmergencyContactRelationship": "sample string 22", "EmergencyContactHomePhone": "sample string 23", "EmergencyContactWorkPhone": "sample string 24", "EmergencyContactMobilePhone": "sample string 25" }
application/xml, text/xml
<UpdateUserViewModel xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/APIWebRole.Controllers"> <ACSystemId>19a36ef3-53fc-438c-9c2d-fea685018046</ACSystemId> <AccessRightsSuspended>true</AccessRightsSuspended> <AccessRightsSuspendedEnd>2025-03-14T00:36:49.7863143+00:00</AccessRightsSuspendedEnd> <AccessRightsSuspendedStart>2025-03-14T00:36:49.7863143+00:00</AccessRightsSuspendedStart> <BadgeTemplateId>304d7c76-8a9f-4098-8876-a1939c2014c9</BadgeTemplateId> <CompanyInstanceId>59efb39f-47f3-48a8-bc3c-5d6c4bc20b00</CompanyInstanceId> <CompanyInstanceType>6</CompanyInstanceType> <DefaultFloorId>2a824098-ec29-4331-ae6b-28d5a5ee73bc</DefaultFloorId> <DefaultFloorStopId>1</DefaultFloorStopId> <Deleted>true</Deleted> <DepartmentCode>sample string 19</DepartmentCode> <DepartmentName>sample string 18</DepartmentName> <EmergencyContactHomePhone>sample string 23</EmergencyContactHomePhone> <EmergencyContactMobilePhone>sample string 25</EmergencyContactMobilePhone> <EmergencyContactName>sample string 21</EmergencyContactName> <EmergencyContactRelationship>sample string 22</EmergencyContactRelationship> <EmergencyContactWorkPhone>sample string 24</EmergencyContactWorkPhone> <EmployeeNumber>sample string 10</EmployeeNumber> <EmploymentTermId>Permanent</EmploymentTermId> <EndDatetime>2025-03-14T00:36:49.7863143+00:00</EndDatetime> <FacilityId>fee7a49c-3902-4bff-96c0-1ec37aaca679</FacilityId> <FirstName>sample string 2</FirstName> <GenerateWelcomeMessage>true</GenerateWelcomeMessage> <HasLoginRights>true</HasLoginRights> <JobTitle>sample string 16</JobTitle> <LastName>sample string 3</LastName> <Login>sample string 12</Login> <MiddleInitial>sample string 4</MiddleInitial> <Nickname>sample string 5</Nickname> <OccupancyName>sample string 17</OccupancyName> <OfficeDeskLocation>sample string 20</OfficeDeskLocation> <Password>sample string 13</Password> <PronounId>8f4a4962-e951-4ef7-bb88-d2d684626559</PronounId> <StartDatetime>2025-03-14T00:36:49.7863143+00:00</StartDatetime> <UserUDFValueViewModels> <UserUDFValueViewModel> <UDFId>7959ed6e-fe25-4c45-bf65-35187e50dad5</UDFId> <UDFValue>sample string 2</UDFValue> </UserUDFValueViewModel> <UserUDFValueViewModel> <UDFId>7959ed6e-fe25-4c45-bf65-35187e50dad5</UDFId> <UDFValue>sample string 2</UDFValue> </UserUDFValueViewModel> </UserUDFValueViewModels> <WebSiteRightsSuspended>true</WebSiteRightsSuspended> <WebSiteRightsSuspendedEnd>2025-03-14T00:36:49.7863143+00:00</WebSiteRightsSuspendedEnd> <WebSiteRightsSuspendedStart>2025-03-14T00:36:49.7863143+00:00</WebSiteRightsSuspendedStart> <WorkEnvironmentTypeId>a1b7af21-dc07-4a67-b7a0-2abe43cfc596</WorkEnvironmentTypeId> <WorkerTypeId>Employee</WorkerTypeId> <sGenderId>1</sGenderId> <UserId>34fd35b7-b7d6-41bc-b7e5-0c9dfcec420e</UserId> <UserUpdatingOptions>Unspecified</UserUpdatingOptions> </UpdateUserViewModel>
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
ResultWithUDFResponseName | Description | Type | Additional information |
UDFValidationViewModels |
The Errors and responses from the UDF Validation |
Collection of UDFValidationViewModel |
None. |
ResultCode |
Represents the result code |
integer |
None. |
Description |
Represents a description of the result code |
string |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "UDFValidationViewModels": [ { "UDFId": "ed0127ad-47e6-42a4-b3cf-3ab735d81b36", "sUDFFieldTypeId": "720fdeaf-0f2e-456f-9fcf-23798ac36669", "MaxValue": "sample string 3", "MinValue": "sample string 4", "IsParsed": true, "ValidationErrors": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ] }, { "UDFId": "ed0127ad-47e6-42a4-b3cf-3ab735d81b36", "sUDFFieldTypeId": "720fdeaf-0f2e-456f-9fcf-23798ac36669", "MaxValue": "sample string 3", "MinValue": "sample string 4", "IsParsed": true, "ValidationErrors": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ] } ], "ResultCode": 1, "Description": "sample string 2" }
application/xml, text/xml
<ResultWithUDFResponse xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/APIWebRole.Controllers"> <Description>sample string 2</Description> <HttpStatusCode>Continue</HttpStatusCode> <ResultCode>1</ResultCode> <UDFValidationViewModels> <UDFValidationViewModel> <IsParsed>true</IsParsed> <MaxValue>sample string 3</MaxValue> <MinValue>sample string 4</MinValue> <UDFId>ed0127ad-47e6-42a4-b3cf-3ab735d81b36</UDFId> <ValidationErrors xmlns:d4p1="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays"> <d4p1:string>sample string 1</d4p1:string> <d4p1:string>sample string 2</d4p1:string> </ValidationErrors> <sUDFFieldTypeId>720fdeaf-0f2e-456f-9fcf-23798ac36669</sUDFFieldTypeId> </UDFValidationViewModel> <UDFValidationViewModel> <IsParsed>true</IsParsed> <MaxValue>sample string 3</MaxValue> <MinValue>sample string 4</MinValue> <UDFId>ed0127ad-47e6-42a4-b3cf-3ab735d81b36</UDFId> <ValidationErrors xmlns:d4p1="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays"> <d4p1:string>sample string 1</d4p1:string> <d4p1:string>sample string 2</d4p1:string> </ValidationErrors> <sUDFFieldTypeId>720fdeaf-0f2e-456f-9fcf-23798ac36669</sUDFFieldTypeId> </UDFValidationViewModel> </UDFValidationViewModels> </ResultWithUDFResponse>