Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
PersonId |
Represents the PK of an existing User in BluSKY |
globally unique identifier |
None. |
FirstName |
Represents the User's first/given name. |
string |
None. |
LastName |
Represents the User's last name / surname. |
string |
None. |
MiddleInitial |
Represents the User's middle initial |
string |
None. |
Nickname |
Represents the User's nickname |
string |
None. |
sGenderId |
Represents the User's gender association for Life Safety purposes: 1=Female, 2=Male, 3=Unspecified |
integer |
None. |
DefaultFloorId |
Represents the PK of the Floor that the person's desk/primary workplace is on. |
globally unique identifier |
None. |
DefaultFloorName |
Represents the name of the Floor that the person's desk/primary workplace is on. |
string |
None. |
DefaultFloorStopId |
Represents the PK of the default Floor Stop in the elevator that the person will go to when using Destination elevator systems. |
integer |
None. |
DefaultFloorStopName |
Represents the name of the default Floor Stop in the elevator that the person will go to when using Destination elevator systems. |
string |
None. |
DefaultEmail |
Represents the default email address of the User |
string |
None. |
DefaultPhone |
Represents the default phone number of the User |
string |
None. |
FacilityId |
Represents the PK of the facility that the User is located in |
globally unique identifier |
None. |
FacilityName |
Represents the name of the facility that the User is located in |
string |
None. |
CompanyInstanceType |
Represents the type of company instance that the User belongs to - 1 = Occupancy, 2 = Vendor, 3 = System Owner, 4 = Integrator |
integer |
None. |
CompanyName |
Represents the name of the company instance that the User belongs - name of the occupancy, name of the vendor, etc. |
string |
None. |
ACSystemId |
Represents the PK of the Access Control System that the User is located in |
globally unique identifier |
None. |
ACSystemName |
Represents the name of the Access Control System that the User is located in |
string |
None. |
StartDatetime |
Represents the DateTime when the record will start to be valid. If null, the record is currently active. |
date |
None. |
EndDatetime |
Represents the DateTime when the record will start to be invalid. If null and StartDateTime is in the past, the record is currently active. |
date |
None. |
AccessRightsSuspended |
Represents whether or not the User's Access Rights are suspended |
boolean |
None. |
AccessRightsSuspendedStart |
Represents the DateTime when the User's Access Rights will become suspended. If null and AccessRightsSuspended is true, all access are currently suspended. |
date |
None. |
AccessRightsSuspendedEnd |
Represents the DateTime when the User's Access Rights will become reactivated. If null and AccessRightsSuspended is true, access rights are suspended indefinitely. |
date |
None. |
WebSiteRightsSuspended |
Represents whether or not the User's BluSKY login rights are suspended |
boolean |
None. |
WebSiteRightsSuspendedStart |
Represents the DateTime when the User's BluSKY login rights will become suspended. If null and WebSiteRightsSuspended is true, all login rights are currently suspended. |
date |
None. |
WebSiteRightsSuspendedEnd |
Represents the DateTime when the User's BluSKY login rights will become re-enabled. If null and WebSiteRightsSuspended is true, all login rights are suspended indefinitely. |
date |
None. |
BadgeTemplateId |
Represents the PK of the Badge Template assinged to the User. Retrieve this by calling /Badge/GetAllBadges |
globally unique identifier |
None. |
EmployeeNumber |
Represents the employee number assigned to the User (typically by their HR department) |
string |
None. |
HasPicture |
Represents whether or not an image of the User exists in the System |
boolean |
None. |
PersonPhotoUri |
Represents the path to the User's default badge image (if one exists) |
string |
None. |
ActiveLoginDatetime |
Represents the time the User logged in to their current session in BluSKY |
date |
None. |
Cards |
Represents a list of all Cards assigned to the User |
Collection of PersonCardViewModelV2 |
None. |
ContactItems |
Represents a list of all Contact Items associated with the User |
Collection of ContactInfoUserViewModel |
None. |
Roles |
Represents a list of all Roles assigned to the User |
Collection of PersonRoleViewModel |
None. |
ReaderAccess |
Represents a list of all direct Reader Access assignments made to the User |
Collection of ReaderAccessViewModel |
None. |
FloorStopAccess |
Represents a list of all direct Floor Stop Access assignments made to the User |
Collection of FloorStopAccessViewModel |
None. |
AccessLevels |
Represents a list of all Access Level assignments made to the User |
Collection of AccessLevelViewModel |
None. |
AccessLevelGroups |
Represents a list of all Access Level Group assignments made to the User |
Collection of AccessLevelGroupViewModel |
None. |
UDFs |
Represents a list of all User Defined Fields of the user |
Collection of UDFLabelValueViewModel |
None. |
Vehicles |
Represents a list of all vehicle of the user |
Collection of PersonUpdateVehicleViewModel |
None. |
Deleted |
Represents whether or not a given User is deleted |
boolean |
None. |
CheckInDateTime |
Represents last check-in date/time for a a given User |
date |
None. |
CheckOutDateTime |
Represents last check-out date/time for a a given User |
date |
None. |
JobTitle |
Represents User's Job Title |
string |
None. |
DepartmentName |
The name of the department the person belgons to |
string |
None. |
DepartmentCode |
The Code of the department the person belgons to |
string |
None. |
PronounId |
The ID of the pronoun the person needs to be called as. Example : He/Him/His Or They/Them/Theirs She/Her/Hers Or They/Them/Theirs She/Her/Hers He/Him/His They/Them/Theirs To Fetch Pronouns : api/v1/Pronouns |
globally unique identifier |
None. |
PronounName |
The pronoun the person needs to be called as. Example : He/Him/His Or They/Them/Theirs She/Her/Hers Or They/Them/Theirs She/Her/Hers He/Him/His They/Them/Theirs To Fetch Pronouns : api/v1/Pronouns |
string |
None. |
WorkEnvironmentTypeName |
Determines Employment Type of the person, Example : Full time Remote, Hybrid etc. To Fetch WorkEnvironmentType : api/v1/WorkEnvironmentTypes |
string |
None. |
WorkEnvironmentTypeId |
Determines the ID of Employment Type of the person, Example : Full time Remote, Hybrid etc. To Fetch WorkEnvironmentType : api/v1/WorkEnvironmentTypes |
globally unique identifier |
None. |
EmploymentTermId |
Determines whether the employment ID of EmploymentTermId Ex: Permenent or Temporary |
EmploymentTerm |
None. |
EmploymentTermName |
Determines description of EmploymentTerm |
string |
None. |
WorkerTypeId |
Determines the ID of the work type the person is going to be doing, example : Consultant, Contractor etc.. |
WorkerType |
None. |
WorkerTypeName |
Determines the name of type of work the person is going to be doing, example : Consultant, Contractor etc.. |
string |
None. |
OfficeDeskLocation |
Determines the location of the office desk |
string |
None. |
EmergencyContactName |
Determines the Name of the Person, whose contact is given as Emergency Contact. |
string |
None. |
EmergencyContactRelationship |
Determines the Relationship of the Person with user, whose contact is given as Emergency Contact. |
string |
None. |
EmergencyContactHomePhone |
Determines the Emergency Contact(Home) for a given user |
string |
None. |
EmergencyContactWorkPhone |
Determines the Emergency Contact(Work) for a given user |
string |
None. |
EmergencyContactMobilePhone |
Determines the Emergency Contact(Mobile) for a given user |
string |
None. |